All week long, I’ve been anticipating this weekend. Two blessed days with nothing on the calendar, no where to take anyone and no errands to be done. My Girl Scout troop sold all our remaining cookies with our cookie caravan on Thursday after school, so no need for a last minute booth sale. We did our weekend Target run last night after my oldest daughter’s field hockey game. So two whole days of uninterrupted relaxation, right?
While I did lounge in my PJs till almost noon with coffee and the internet, the rest of the day has been full. Not busy, just full. And it was a great day.
Before lounge time began, we slept in. I made cinnamon rolls and bacon and eggs for breakfast while Uncle Grouchy got ready for work. The working on Saturdays is one of the drawbacks of working at a bike shop…spring time means longer hours and more Saturdays in the shop. Makes for a lot of girls day Saturdays!

I spent the better part of the afternoon cleaning out my Girl Scout supplies. As we near the end of another year, I pretty much know what we’re going to use between now and then and what we can pass on. My troop will be bridging from Juniors to Cadettes soon, so I have lots of Junior supplies to pass on – as well as a bunch of Brownie stuff I never gave away! I have 2 cookie boxes full of supplies, badges, pins and patches to take to our Community meeting next week.
While I was busy with my cleaning project, both girls invited friends over. The older two baked a double batch of my banana bread recipe and made it into muffins. They gave some to the neighbors and snacked on some. Then they went outside to make a fort in the backyard, complete with a handsewn flag. I love that at 14, they will still go play outside for the afternoon. The younger two also went outside and adventured around the yard – destroying a rotten stump and discovering all kids of creepy crawlers.
Then all 6 of us (can’t forget Poppy Cotton!) walked over to the school playground to hang out for a bit. Poppy had several long runs around the playground and is now napping contentedly on the ottoman.
After sending all the friends home, I made dinner for the family. Since Uncle Grouchy worked all day it was the least I could do 🙂
I love that we got to enjoy some downtime today. And that we spent some time outside in the fresh air. And that I got some stuff done that’s been on my to-do list since last summer! Here’s to another productive and full day tomorrow – it’s supposed to be rainy and cooler so maybe I can knock out a few more sorting projects!