I heard this quote somewhere along the way when my kids were little but I didn’t get it then. I do now. This quote embodies so much of what has been on my mind lately.
Each stage of life with kids is a new and different kind of challenge. When they are little, some days feel like they will never end. You wonder when it’s going to be bedtime only to realize it’s only 10 am. Then, in the blink of an eye, you suddenly realize you only have a few more summers left with them before they’re all grown up.
This year, Megan is going to be away for almost half of the summer. She’ll be travelling abroad to Iceland, Germany and Austria with the GAPP exchange through her school and also spending a week at Lycoming College. I am SO excited for her and all the adventures she will have. But at the same time I think…She’s my evening dog-walking buddy, style sound-board, music recommender and fellow book enthusiast. I am going miss her SO much.
Last weekend we went to a Girl Scout art event at the Reading Public Museum. We chatted on the hour-long drive each way, listening to a playlist of her favorite songs which she created especially for the trip. We had crepes for lunch before the event; sushi and ice cream for dinner afterwards. She ended up being the only girl registered, so it turned out to be a private art session for the two of us. We crafted with felt, painted with water colors and designed labyrinths. We wandered around the museum for an hour or so – checking out the ecclectic galleries containing various artworks, a mummy and dinosaurs.
I am so glad we had the chance to spend the day together before she leaves for her summer of adventures. We enjoyed the museum but didn’t have a chance to see everything, so we are already planning a trip back in the fall. I can’t wait!
Lovely post. My brother and his wife traveled toIceland two years ago and said it was an amazing country to visit. Their photos were of beautiful places. Your daughter is fortunate to travel this summer, and she will have stories to share.